
The CorpoDeck

Welcome to the first post on the CorpoDeck Project!

What is the CorpoDeck?

The CorpoDeck is a mix between a cyberdeck and a briefcase (hence the word corporate). It will be a briefcase for the average business mans shenanigans (i.e. paperwork, files, pens, etc…) but also contain a fully functional computer.


I have a Raspberry Pi 3b+, I am going to upgrade this later on though. A 10’000 mAh powerbank will power it and the screen. Though the powebank gives me 8 hours or so of battery life, it is quite bulky and it could be changed later on.


I am considering keeping Raspberry Pi OS, as Ubuntu Desktop is a bit too heavy for my RPi 3b+ (it struggles to open the app menu).


The CorpoDeck will be my project for the next few months, so please feel free to contact me and suggest ideas!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.